Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Surgical Periodontal Therapy

We are here to help you achieve the best periodontal health possible. Sometimes, your oral health can impact on your general health. We take our role in your overall well-being seriously and hope to lend you a hand to obtain the best possible outcome.

What is surgical periodontal therapy?

The main aim of surgical periodontal therapy is to remove the active disease process that is caused by the presence of plaque and calculus below the gum that is otherwise not accessible.

Removal of this debris is paramount to the long-term health of the tooth. Failure to remove this debris will lead to tooth loss. The surgical access allows us to better visualize the root surface and improve access for removal of the hard debris present.

What are the benefits?

Benefits of the procedure include:

  • Reducing the amount of bleeding when you clean your teeth
  • Firming up unstable teeth and stopping any further recession of the gum along the tooth
  • Helping retain your natural teeth. This is normally considered the best solution from a dental perspective because it prevents the need for replacement teeth, which can be time-consuming, painful, and costly.
  • Reduced effects on your overall health with successful treatment

What happens during the procedure?

Here’s what you can expect for surgical periodontal therapy:

  • We will give you pain relief to numb the area and make sure you don’t feel a thing.
  • We will then surgically clean the tooth surface below the gum with both traditional and cutting-edge techniques. This is completed to ensure there is no debris left on the deep root surface.
  • Once this has healed, we will reinforce your brushing and flossing techniques to ensure you can maintain maximal care of your teeth at home.

Is it painful?

You can rest assured that we will make sure the area around your teeth is thoroughly numb even before we start working. You might feel some pressure during the actual procedure and possibly some small amount of sensitivity and pain once the anesthesia has worn off, but we are always respectful and sensitive to your unique needs and strive to make you feel as comfortable and at ease as possible. There is sometimes some sensitivity to hot or cold for a couple of weeks after you have had this deep surgical clean but this is generally temporary.


There will be some further recession when the treatment is completed as the inflammation, swelling, and some tissue is removed. However, treatment should also lead to a reduced effect on heart disease, diabetes, and other overall health issues.

If a tooth requiring this type of treatment is ignored, widespread gum and connective tissue infection will result. This may then lead to loss of the tooth, possibly affecting the teeth on either side and also leading to their eventual loss.

You can rely on us to provide you with clear explanations about your options so that you can make an informed decision regarding your own personal oral health. We will happily answer any questions until you are happy that you have all the answers that you need.

Gum Disease and Periodontitis

Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal Examination

oral hygiene

Oral Hygiene
